Sharing is Caring

without sharing, life is boring!

i said sharing is caring

Great Teacher Onizuka (G.T.O)

Posted by Akeno Muhammad On 3:04 PM 0 comments

Onizuka is an ex-biker and gang leader who has one goal, to become the greatest teacher. He learns of the power and respect possible as an intern teacher, using his strength and connections to get his students to respect him. Now, graduated, he gets a job at a prestigious private school to handle their 'problem class'(kelas 2 tahun 4) that made the past few teachers quit. He must handle a different sort of trouble when the trouble makers include some of the smartest kids in Japan who prefer a more cerebral approach to torturing their teacher. Onizuka must slowly win his students over and deal with their mistrust of teachers while handling the distrust of his fellow teachers.

Ore wa! Onizuka Eikechi!

3 episode left!! wheee!! haha..xD


Can I Have This Dance- HSM3

Posted by Akeno Muhammad On 2:51 PM 0 comments

Can I Have This Dance


Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine,
And let the music be your guide.

[Troy, Gabriella]
Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn will be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you threw it all

[Troy, Gabriella]
And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart)
'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

[Gabriella And Troy]
Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide
'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop
Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe, that we were meant to be

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you (like you)
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do)
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

*i fall in love with this song..haha..xD i just didn't know y..huhu~



Posted by Akeno Muhammad On 1:02 AM 0 comments

y did im too snsitiv today..='(

wats wrong wof u AZIZ!!!



any comment?xD

Posted by Akeno Muhammad On 3:12 AM 0 comments

ari ne..aku bngun awal......tia krg..awal apa..pukul 7 lalu a..miss jua ku smbyg subuh tu..haha..xD
krg ta Qada'..tym Maghrib..hehe..
akeh2..nada apa2 yg siuk kan aku cetakan..hee..
i just wan to share wif u guys these photo yg aku ambil tym ku buring2..haha..xD

this is wat we call malay,its call KUNCI..haha..xD apakan..xD

Mungee~bukan~orkid laa~haha..xD
bunga talor..p,talornya nada g..haha..xD talur..wawawawa..xD apakan..

N2760..mau bli?bjual ne..tapi iksin ku..wawawawa..xD bukan hp ku hp adi ku..cGmah..aha..xD pujinya gmbr ane..lawa..tpi..bukan pasal skill ku menggambar..tapi pasal HPnya katanya..damn..haha..xD

KeyBoard..atau in malay..KunciPapan..haha..xD apakan..ish..begabuk eyh..a??huhu~ nanti ta ku bersihakn eyh..

aa...this is my CB pass..huhu~still PART TIMER..i wanna to be a BARISTA!~ =(



Posted by Akeno Muhammad On 6:16 AM 0 comments

ari ne trima! whee~! hehe..
ari ne..stibanya sja aku dtmpat ku kaja..
kira2 dlm kul 10:50..
aku dikejutkan dengan satu brita..haha..xD
inda jua tkajut bnr lah..sdg2 sja..xD
my fren..FATHUL menagur..
"ko udah ka gaji?"

"uh!?" aku bertnya kehairanan..eseh..haha...xD
kali ku tnya blik.."kuar dah ka?"
"bnr deyh..bbsai wa.." haha..xD memajal aku btnya atu..hehe..
bukan apa..aku tu betanya sbab..aku kan tau cemana gaji atu kana bg..kali cFathul pun gtau aku..atu memalui bank..kajut ku g..huhu~
sebabnya..aku mna ada bg akaun bank ku pat Coffee BEan masatu..ish..den,fathul gtau..ea suruh aku buat...FREE sja..katanya..sebab we are under the COffee Bean..huh~
alhmdulillah..nasib jua free..p,im still dun understand ba apa yg cFathul gtau atu..haha...lagging aku a..

kali aku ignore la..den kmi smua buat kaja kmi msing..hehe..tapi..nadakan dbuat..haha..xD i mean..nada karaja wa..costumer na ramai lau between kul, kami men lappy one of my fren yg bawa Lazardo Julius namanya..he is phillipines..haha..xD no wonder his name ragged..hehe..ea lat kan gmbr anaknya arah kami(aku and juliana) waaah~ his daughter was so cute baa~ she is naughty bah she said..haha..xD she can dance g tu..ea lat can us the vdo..haha..pokoknya cali lah..and we comment his daughter is so cute..and kmi ckap..siuk eyh~ hehe..kali apa nah..cJulius ckap.."siukan punya anak?buat laah~" hahaha..xD astaga~ ada ka sewenangnya gnya ea ckp catu rah kami..hahaha..xD
aa..tertinggal la plak..b4 atu..MR.Yussof..our manager..ada dtg kCoffee Bean..and he saw me..den he ask me abt the payday..ea tnya,sudah ka blum..kali aku ckap blum..bla bla bla..kuar cha..huhuhu~ wen i can take my salary a~~ish....cannot wait baa~i wan to enjoy ba..aha..xD nadadeh..kan..err..hee..ada tah tu..xPP

den..beberapa minit kemudian..ada kaying dtg...mengantar banner..suh Coffee BEan memasang dat banner..huh~lpas dat kaying kuar dri CB..sigh~ evry1 menghebus kan nafas..hahahaha..xD rupa2nya bukan aku sja yg menahan nafas..drg my fren pun..wahahahaha..xD astghfirullah..
jaat eyh drg a..aha.xD dri sama jua..wawawa..xD
lpas atu....pasang banner..
den...tym kami kumpul2..sharon ask each pple 1 by 1.."you eat hw many rice?" haha..xD drg ckap "2"..while my turn..i sed.."1" haha..xD i tot apa..wah! rupa2nya..ea kan lnja kami lucnh~!whee~!haha..xD galat eyh..thx SHARON! hehe.. ka sblum lunch tu..ada kaying g dtg...huh~!he said he wan to usai d chiller yg rusak..wah! ea dtg a..salah tym ba!~ ada ka ea dtg tym kami ramai costumer..tym kmi busy ba..ish..he BLOCK our way to go to kitchen wa..mcmmana tu..ish..smpai cFathul mental ba.."i want to kill him ba.."hahaha..xD sasak udah tu ea a..mana kan..kaying atu jua..eeeyH!! hee..sabar..huh~

ptg..dlm kul 2sumthing kali..nda ingt..aku kana suruh tukar duit dBank..ukan tukar to other currency eyh..tukar duit basar kDuit damit..hehe..waah~ byk kan ku bawa tadi atu..beguguran bah usin a..hahaha..xD usin pacah..yg beplastik a..kan simpan dPocket sluar..the coin is sluar g jenis lunggar..ijap teBlurut bah nya mama..hahaha..xD

den..alhmdulillah..ahernya aku slamat balik kCB~ den..i saw many service...den..apa g..i have to clean it all la..sigh~ ngaleh eyh..p,tu yg siuk tu..inda trasa tu masa bejalan..awu ja~!?hehe..jaa~~~x))

well..atu ja kali ceta ku tym kaja...
blik ja at home td..i feel i miss my hny so much!~ huhu~
den..i call her at home..aku nyamar g tadi tym rah tipun.."hello,gud afternoon~can i talk to miss shyrah?" weseh! bnrnya aku tu kan nganakan Akip lil bro in law..haha..xD bla bla bla..
den..i talked to my hny...................

mlm ne..err..inilah kraja ku..mengUPDATE blog ane~haha..xD


last day raya

Posted by Akeno Muhammad On 4:04 AM 0 comments is the last day of raya..aha..xD whoa..inda sangka..pnya ada jua masih urg kan mau2 open house last day raya ne..hehe..& she is my Tangah..huhu~
i tink ari ne a bit busy..huhu~lpas smbhyg jumat tadi..trus kumah tangah..kira-kira dalam kul 2 tangah tu named Hjh.Delima..hehe...too bad..nada gmbarnya..xP
akeh..ari ne aku dsana sharian la..huhu..ukan apa..drumah buring wa nadakan,bek ta dsana mendangani2..bnr nda??xDD g pun,sma jua aku off ba today..hee..
not much thing la aku buat dsana..juz kana suruh mengambar2..hehe..& yah..i love mengambar2..aha..xD so..aku apa g..hee...diz is hasilnya..wawawa..xD (len yg kana suruh..len yg ku gmbar..haha..xD)
